LUKE 18:27

"What is impossible with men, is possible with God"

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Fun in the Sun

Well, apparently Maryville (where we live, for you California folks), has a new water spray park on the Maryville College campus, for the kiddos to run thru, much like Splash Country (again, for California family, thats Dollywood)....Anyway, we ventured out, as we usually do, in search of this new found treasure for my kids, and much to my dismay, an employee there said they were closed temp for insurance reasons....Maybe a kid fell, or something, who knows....Well, my babies were all upset over it, and dissapointed....So we took our fresh cheese pizza we had just got from Little Ceasars and headed back home to just sit,,,,when I realized our wonderfully giving neighbor, Frank Mimbs, told us the day before we could go swimming in his pool anytime!! YEAH, YEAH, YEAH! The kids shouted!! So we did just that, Emma Grace slept most of the time in the van, w/the doors all open to feel the airy breeze we were fortunate enough to have, even in July , and just swam and enjoyed ourselves for a couple hours....Thanks for the fun day Frank!!

1 comment:

  1. Yeah! Neighbor to the rescue! Glad you guys had a good day!
