LUKE 18:27

"What is impossible with men, is possible with God"

Friday, January 22, 2010


Audrey and I, like most of you, we're watching all the devastation undfolding in Haiti from that horrific earthquake last week on the news....Right in the middle of the interview on CNN, a reporter heard what sounded like a baby crying, so he put his mic in the crook of his arm and starting digging in the rubble, only to find an 18-month old baby girl...ALIVE!!...He immediately started pouring his half drank bottle of water over her dusty looking head, then into her mouth, she was ,at first, in shock but soon started guzzling the water like she hadnt drank in days...literally....that was enough for me, I started crying, and immediatly thought of Emma Grace, she is too 18 mos old....that could have been heart went out to those people, and right away, Audrey and I were concocting a plan to raise $$ for this poor nation....We decided to have a bake sale, and sell all the goodies at mission friends/Awanas Wed night....I baked Tues night and ALL DAY Weds....from 8a-time to go!!--WE had 200+ cookies (Nestle TH Choc Chip, Double Choc chip, Snickerdoodles, Lemon Iced and plain cookies) @50 brownies and 50 rice krispie treats!!! Thanks to our friends at our local Food City for donating a $25 gift card toward supplies!! And.......Im proud and priviledged to say Mt.Lebanon Baptist Church showed their true giving spirit Weds night,and we were able to raise $340 to send to Haiti!!!!!!! Praise God!!! We will be giving this $$ to World Vision (a Christian org that helps missionaries and disaster relief).....God is Good, All the Time!

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